Franklin Friedmann – Secretary – Xplor National Canada
Too often I have written a blog entry concerning some detail of business and the resolution. Having just returned from a real holiday, no cell phone, no laptop or equivalent, instead keeping up with our two generations, it was a liberating world.
I’m reminded of a time when we returned from an earlier time off “a generation ago”, when neither the cell nor the laptop existed. When I returned, I had actually forgotten my office telephone number. This became the benchmark of an ideal vacation, unfortunately never since replicated. A similar situation occurred when asked as we packed for departure the following day; “why are you packing a business suit with your bathing suit?” That one actually worked out well.
Normally, lugging around a laptop or other functionally powerful device so that we can develop a project in a few quiet moments provides no relaxation. Turf that idea as well.
How then do we enjoy a holiday, leaving aside the urgent requests that can actually wait for a week? First rid oneself from the ubiquity of the smart phone with among other elements the ability to reach everyone, and unfortunately their ability to reach you. Some holiday!
Set vacation goals; there must be a number of activities on which to focus mind and body. A good book, on paper or electronic (no emails please) is great for evenings. A physical workout during the day for which you’ve had insufficient time at home, will keep you occupied. A family holiday changes the activity though from my experience takes you even further away from the normal daily work cycle. It is satisfying keeping up with a four year old granddaughter who asks all sorts of interesting questions.
As you look forward to your “spring break” or other activities, enjoy the time.